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Match History for Stan Winand
Year  Date Type Course Partner Opponent A Opponent B Result Margin Story
2022 09-24 Four-Ball Ledges RaffertyM ByarsR DunphyJ Loss 2&1  
2022 09-25 Singles Sand Hollow CarrS Loss 6&4  
2021 08-27 Four-Ball Flagstaff Ranch BenchR CrawfordJ CastellanosA Win 4&3  
2023 08-26 Four-Ball Stoneridge MendozaA CrawfordJ Killian, JrB Halve AS  
2021 08-28 Four-Ball Elephant Rocks SeibalT DugasB TripoliM Loss 1up  
2022 09-23 Four-Ball Sand Hollow CastellanosA DunphyJ SeibalT Loss 3&2  
2023 08-25 Four-Ball Prescott Golf Club DugasB JainC JanisseD Loss 2&1  
2022 09-24 Greensome Ledges RaffertyM McGuffinL SeibalT Win ?  
2021 08-26 Greensome Pinewood RaffertyM MendozaA IrbyP Win 2&1  
2023 08-27 Singles Antelope North RaffertyM Loss 3&2  
2021 08-29 Singles Flagstaff Ranch SeibalS Loss 3&1  
2023 08-24 Greensome Antelope South SeibalS SlovenskyM RaffertyM Win 4&3 Bigcat with Stan the caddy can't miss while Buck has a hangover from 2022

Record Summary

Foursomes 0 – 0 – 0 (NaN%)
Four-Ball 1 – 4 – 1 (25.0%)
Singles 3 – 3 – 0 (50.0%)
Overall Record 4 – 7 – 1 (37.5%)

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