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2017 Draft

1. Seibal, Scott by Captain Janisse, "Sweet Caroline! I could never not pick Scott given the chance!"
2. Grimaldi, Paul by Captain Tripoli, "Italians must rule"
3. McCabe, Mike by Captain Tripoli, ""
4. Mendoza, Alex by Captain Janisse, "Alex is my closer and has ties to the MM."
5. Slovensky, Mark by Captain Tripoli, "I just love to see his putter"
6. Seibal, Terry by Captain Janisse, "Cannot have one without the other"
7. Hendrix, Brad by Captain Tripoli, "He threatened to beat me up if I did not pick him."
8. Carr, Steve by Captain Janisse, "Mr Cleanup"
9. Dugas, Brad by Captain Tripoli, "My master plan is working out perfectly."
10. Castellanos, Al by Captain Janisse, "Mr Freeze"
11. Bench, Randy by Captain Tripoli, "I need me some Texas hot sauce!"
12. Ewing, Curt by Captain Janisse, "Setting up nicely!"
13. Killian, Bill by Captain Tripoli, "Last years captain ready for some payback!"
14. Shaffer, Rick by Captain Janisse, "Roomie!"
15. Crawford, John by Captain Tripoli, "Lets go Daddy!"
16. Dunphy, Joe by Captain Janisse, "Founder against Founder!"
17. Killian, Jr, Billy by Captain Tripoli, "Father and Son"
18. Rafferty, Mike by Captain Janisse, "We are gonna Buck yous guys!"
19. Byars, Ray by Captain Tripoli, "Smooth Ray to the rescue."
20. Kush, John by Captain Janisse, "How lucky are we to get John as a late pick!"
21. Batlle, Carlos by Captain Tripoli, "Lets kick some ass Carlos!"
22. Jackson, Glen by Captain Janisse, "Action for the win!"

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